Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas, you sparkle.

From a distance you are enticing,
with your visions of lit-up trees
in snow covered woods.
Carol of bells playing over and over,
your season saturates the night.
Evenings become sad and mysterious
with their mix of childhood reminiscence
and disappointment.
Silver tinsel bells hung in doorways,
1960's party dresses,
black and white santas on video.
Cool morning light
and unwrapped presents
lined up under unlit trees on boxing day,
the silence of sipping coffee in a rocking chair.
You are Christmas.
You, who are silent with me,
and celebrating another year
of togetherness, and of separation.
All feasting and candles
and allusions of fireplaces on crispy walks,
you sparkle and crackle in my heart.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


it's odd to be here
(in the in-between)
where the rush of stepping off
the cliff has passed
and the light of future falters
just an inch away

but i find that in this oddness
there is still dancing

there is still moonlight
and there is still celebrated colour

Monday, December 14, 2009

rabbit with a lame foot.

white in my back alley,
you run scatterbrained across my headlights.
scatterbrained with your red eyes and your lame foot.
i feel you eating at my heart and

call out at the site of you.

all your cuteness and wildness captured
as you blend into the snow bank.
i want to carry you up in my arms

but your feral fright would keep me from you.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

skin & summer.

in drifts of white
softening the crunch of tires
muffling the fall of mittens
that get lost,

in crisps of ice
hardening the rays of sun
melting only in short breaths
caught in speech,

in frosts of night
creaking across frigid floors
relief found in retreat back
under covers,

conjure summer -
light clothes whispering over warm skin
canvas runners
driving barefoot
the sweetness of honeycomb filling
the senses
prairies endless in their green golden glory and skies

and breathe in this country,
this life,
this constant remembering and looking forward

this fullness.